Sunday, June 12, 2011


RTMPromoVideo from Real Truth Matters on Vimeo.

1 comment:

  1. Joe- my prayer life isn't what is should be, but I do remember what my life was like before the Lord called me....a life without the Lord is so silent, and so very dark.

    J.C. Ryle’s A Call to Prayer: An Urgent Plea to enter into Secret Place ... page 5.

    “I believe that thousands never utter a word of prayer at all. They eat. They drink. They sleep. They rise. They go forth to their labor. They return to their homes. They breathe God’s air. They see God’s sun. They walk on God’s earth. They enjoy God’s mercies. They have dying bodies. They have judgment and eternity before them. But they never speak to God. They live like beasts that perish. They behave like creatures without souls.”
