The time has come
to meet my Lord.
I've spent my life
on things abhorred.
I've heard of Christ
and His great life.
I went to church
and ceased from strife.
Is it enough
to be real good?
and not feel bad
'bout where I stood?
I've learned a lot
about this God.
Has this Jesus
taken my rod?
Oh! Make it clear
Come save me still.
I cannot earn
Your great, goodwill.
Let me see love.
You died for me?
I am a rebel
How can this be?
Please make it real
or else I'll die.
Sins awful load
it makes me sigh.
Please pour your love
into my heart.
Then I will know
I'm spiritually smart.
Then I will die
a daily death.
Yes, I will live
for you with each breath.
Don't let me go
another day
without your love
so I don't say,
"The time has come
to meet my Lord.
I've spent my life
on things abhorred."
wow. I like that. a lot. Thanks for sharing. The shortness of life, the fact that any day the time may come to meet my Lord, is an important truth to meditate on often...yet what can I say? I forget easily. How am I living in light of it? Christ is worth every breath! He bought my life; how can I give anything less?